OCST Online Supervision Diploma Programme
The OCST Online Supervision Diploma is completed in three stages of study.
Each stage can be taken individually. Completion of all 3 stages is required where students are seeking certification at Diploma level. Certificates are awarded for successful completion of each stage of the training, plus an overall Diploma certificate where all 3 stages have successfully been completed.
There is an initial stage of training available for delegates who have not had formal training in face to face supervision practice. Where students have a counselling supervision certificate or Diploma in supervision this can be submitted for APL (accreditation of prior learning), with a 1,000-word document where the student outlines the key principles of their supervision practice. This process exempts the client from stage one of the 4-part programme. (£100 APL fee payable)
The combined training of stages one to three are equivalent to a level 3 National standard Diploma. Where students have evidence of face to face supervision qualifications (copy of certificate and 1,000-1500-word submission identifying their supervision model), this can be submitted for an APL process and exempts them from taking stage one. Like wise where students hold a certificate in online counselling skills practice and wish to be exempted from stage 3 of the training programme.
It is commonly acknowledged by BACP and ACTO that if a supervisor is intending to provide supervision to counsellors who work online with their clients, the supervisor should be fully familiar and confident in working online themselves, and preferably qualified. This provides a sound base for the supervisor to ethically and safely support supervisees with their online practice. This is the rationale for inclusion of the final stage of the Diploma to include a 7-week programme for Online Counselling practice
Stages and APL process for the Online Supervision Diploma
OCST Online Supervision Diploma Programme
- Stage One- Face to face counselling supervision practice- 6 week programme- Course fees £395.00
- Stage Two- Online supervision practice with individual counsellors and groups of counsellors- 8 fortnightly course meetings- Course fees £560.00
- Stage Three- Online counselling practice- 7 week programme- £395.00 course fees
Where delegates are not seeking to complete the whole Diploma level training, individual stages can be taken, with course fees as identified above, and are certificated by OCST.
Students are required to source a minimum of 4 supervisees for case reflection during each stage of the Diploma course. (Reflection upon the supervisee exchanges are included as part of the assessed course work . On this basis please ensure your supervisees are in agreement with this arrangement).
Supervision of supervision is mandatory in each stage of the training ( 3 hours of group during each stage). Supervision is provided by a member of the OCST team and is costed at ££35.00 per delegate for each 1.5 hour meeting, payable to the supervisor in advance of each supervision meeting.
Transferring clinical supervision practice into an online media requires additional skills and competencies to those utilised within face to face contact. Securing an effective and ethical online supervision presence and the development of relational qualities which promote positive outcomes for supervisees requires additional consideration. This factor sits alongside the practicalities of forming an online practice which is delivered and managed in a manner which proves to be conducive to effectively supporting supervisees using computer mediated media. This modular training programme provides a supportive, interactive learning experience where delegates have the opportunity to engage in activities which promote understanding and the development of specific skills and professional responsibilities for engaging with supervisees using a variety of online computer mediated technology tools. This programme encourages delegates to reflect upon the skills, knowledge, experience gained from course activities, and feedback from the tutor to begin the forming of a personal model for providing supervision which can then be applied within online supervisee practice. Successful candidates will receive their course certificate upon completion of course requirements and submitted portfolio of evidence.
All study will be conducted by distance learning using online computer mediated resources. The tutor will be available throughout the course for scheduled online course meetings, individual support, supervision meetings as requested, in addition to synchronous meetings for the practice of online supervision skills using instant messenging media.
If you would like further information regarding the Diploma programme or the APL contact Jane Evans and request a telephone or webcam meeting to discuss further.
Please contact OCST using the online contact form provided to request further information, an initial telephone or webcam meeting to discuss the course, and receive a delegate guide.
Recent student endorsement for the Diploma programme
I can thoroughly recommend the OCST Diploma in Online Supervision. It has provided a great deal of learning, and cultivated informed ability in moving forward online. Jane herself is such a supportive and facilitative tutor it helps enormously in completing a course which is enjoyable whilst being substantial. My experience was of learning stages which were thorough and with a format which allows practical and theoretical learning and growth within a containing structure. Jane herself was certainly for me an excellent vehicle for learning and growth.
OCST is an ACTO approved training provider

Online Counselling uk, Counselling, Online Supervision uk , Counselling Supervisor uk, Counselling Consultancy Services provided by Jane Evans.
Kings Lynn, Norfolk and online.